Thursday, 12 November 2009

Fortnightly task 1. REFLECTION.

Every week, we are asked to produce one photograph for the tutorial we attend every two weeks. We are given a word/theme to base our photograph on and we can be as creative as we like and shoot an image of anything we desire, as long as it represents the word/theme.
This week, the theme was REFLECTION.
I experimented with different uses of light, different angles and reflections, low and high aperture and shutter speed on the journey to creating my final outcome. Here are a few of my favouite images from this series;

I really admire the lighting on the images above. It really flatters the models skin tone and also affects the overall feel of the pictures. The atmosphere is a complete contrast compared to the photographs below; there is a warm feel to the ones above and a cold, omnious feel to the black and white images..

Below, is the image I decided to choose for my final piece.
My aim within this photograph was to produce an identical reflection on the subject involved which I think I have successfully done. I also wanted to create an image with a deeper meaning; not just something obvious. The model looks as if he is reflecting upon his thoughts, so as well as that aspect, there is the literal idea of reflection included; using the mirror in the image. I think the black and white theme of the picture and the shadows created within the image sets the atmosphere well, and the lighting coming from the side of the mirror almost seperates the reflection and the actual subject. I think the composition has been balanced out very well.

I come across a famous Photographer from Serbia who specialises in shooting reflection scenes. His name is Vlado Marincovic. He tends to concentrate on architectural aspects rather than using people, but he captures reflection spectacularly. Here's a few examples of his imagery.

The compositions are all very central in his images. Another thing I have noticed is that he tends to take the majority of his photographs outdoors.

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